Fresh Chunks,
Ready to Go!
Pick a Brain That Fits
Pick a Brain That Fits •
Already got a brain,
why an extra one?
Get my brain today to help with your daily creative hassle, all chunks of my brain are seasoned with 5 years of advertising & graphic design experiences, and mildly dipped with UXUI knowledge.
Whose brain is this?
Whose brain is this? 。
All chunks of brain come from a Hong-Kong-bred C-long, who is a full time do-er and also a fool time thinker.
When she is working, she approach projects in a way that strikes a balance between strategy, practicality and almost-gimmicky creativeness, which she believes is the fundamentals to any successful creative products or campaign.
And when she’s not working, she is always wondering about the weirdest and tiniest thing, speaking of it…
how do superheroes sneeze with their mask on?
Follow these simple steps to get a chunk of my brain
See which chunk fits your project well
Invite Clong for an interview
Offer job opportunities, I will come along with full chunks of my brain!
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